'How to perform PULL UPS - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

00:46 Oct 5, 2022
'Pull ups are a time-tested way to build upper body strength. A spotter can help support a beginner’s body weight so they can perform the exercise.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Arms, Back, Core  HOW TO PERFORM PULL UPS: For pull ups using the pegboard, use pegs that are approximately shoulder width apart. The wider the grip, the more challenging the exercise becomes. To begin, clients grasp a set of pegs and squeeze the chest, shoulder, and back muscles to raise the body. At the top of the movement, the pegs should be at about chin height. Slowly lower to the starting position to perform another rep.  Pull ups will tire people quickly. Ensure proper form is being kept throughout the exercise to prevent injuries.' 

Tags: how to , exercise , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , how to video , hoist fitness , pull-up , peg board travel

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