'Is there still a place for a simple activity tracker? Casio has shown there is, provided it looks nothing like a basic fitness band at all. This is the GBA-800, a watch in the classic G Shock style with activity tracking technology inside. We’ve been wearing it. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LATEST VIDEOS http://bit.ly/DTYouTubeSub VISIT DIGITAL TRENDS http://www.digitaltrends.com/ DT Daily: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8110CBCACD741FEC DT Originals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEA870D36335F60D2 DT Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZEIwIHCxaFVemFMYm9Uqixqt7RxRJnhf FOLLOW US! https://www.facebook.com/digitaltrends https://twitter.com/digitaltrends https://www.instagram.com/digitaltrends https://plus.google.com/+digitaltrends/posts'
Tags: review , technology , Tech , News , Tech News , Digital Trends , hands on , tech review , Casio , Activity Tracker , g shock , casio g shock gba 800 , gba 800 , DT daily
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