'Parallettes Review - Great Handmade Wooden Parallettes'

01:55 Oct 21, 2022
'https://getdpd.com/cart/hoplink/8243?referrer=b7jfsrkgt1c0s4 - We\'ve provided plans for parallettes in the past, but a lot of people don\'t want to build their own. For everyone who has asked us which P-bars to buy, we finally have a recommendation we can be totally proud of.  If you\'re new to parallettes, we recommend checking out our free intro course: http://gmb.io/parallettes-workout/    Dusty is a GMB client, training with our Parallettes One program, who has designed what we feel is one of the most portable, durable, and comfortable sets of parallettes we\'ve ever seen. These parallettes are available now.  Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/GoldMedalBodiesVids  Join the GMB Posse: http://gmb.io/  Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GMBFitness   Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gmbfit  Follow our boards on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/gmbrulz   We really hope you found this video useful. Please leave a comment if you have any questions at all. We\'ll do our best to help.' 

Tags: fitness , review , training , planche , workout equipment , push-ups , Physical Fitness (Field Of Study) , l-sit , Parallettes , Gymnastics (Sport) , parallette training , handbalancing , Hspu , gymnastic training , pbarz , fitness training equipment

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