'How to perform TORSO ROTATIONS - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'

'How to perform TORSO ROTATIONS - HOIST Fitness MotionCage Exercise'
02:06 Oct 23, 2022
'Torso Rotations are an effective core exercise for clients with an advanced fitness level. The exercise requires a significant amount of core and oblique strength, so make sure clients are equal to the task.  MUSCLE GROUPS TARGETED: - Core, Abdominals, Hip Flexors  HOW TO PERFORM TORSO ROTATIONS: Adjust the dip handles to a slightly wider than shoulder width. Client’s should face away from the motion cage and enter a standard dip starting position.  With the feet together, the knees should be brought toward the chest as much as possible without introducing bending or flexing in the torso.  To begin, clients slowly rotate the legs to one side of the body. The legs should rotate no farther than the natural range of motion allows, usually about forty-five degrees. Once the legs reach the end of their rotation, bring them back to center and continue to rotate to the other side. Ensure that the elbows are not locked out during the movement.  This exercise requires a substantial amount of core strength and clients will tire quickly. Ensure proper form is kept throughout the entire movement.' 

Tags: fitness , abs , ab workout , gym , workout video , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , training , exercise video , hoist fitness , motion cage , torso rotation , Dip Station

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