'Matty Ice, LB3, and Josiah Brannon seek to get a massive pump at Steve Cook\'s gym Fitness Culture! Josiah also teaches them how to do a muscle up along with discussing what your motivation should be for working out. Follow my Journey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josiahbrannonfitness/?hl=en'
Tags: fitness culture , Christian , workout motivation , God , Utah , Steve Cook , solo , how to do a muscle up , last set best set , st george utah , luke brannon , matt pearson , josiah brannon , josiah brannon fitness , Brothers birthday , max bench press , twenty first birthday , why do i workout , working out at steve cooks gym fitness culture , reason behind working out , what is the proper motivation for working out , skip bo , largemouth bass fishing , big mouth bass squad , i pranked my brother
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