'Check out more awesome leg workouts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAA9BC7AB76B6AE1B&feature=view_all Hi everyone! Guess what\'s just around corner? Halloween! So that means short skirts, high heels, and lots of legs! But don\'t worry, I\'ve got you covered with my Lean Legs for Short Skirts routine. You\'ll be so ready to go out on the town looking your most fabulous! Have a fun and safe Halloween you guys! In Pilates Bootcamp, certified Pilates instructor Cassey Ho (aka Blogilates) showcases her POP Pilates style, where she takes you all the way through tough but fun Pilates workouts designed to tone your arms, your legs, your abs, your butt, and everything in between. Printable workout here: Coming soon! Check out more workouts and fun from Cassey: ♥ CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/blogilates ♥ BLOG: http://www.blogilates.com ♥ FB: http://www.facebook.com/blogilates ♥ TWEET: http://www.twitter.com/blogilates ♥ TUMBLR: http://www.blogilates.tumblr.com'
Tags: pilates , livestrong , toned legs , intense workout , Blogilates , cassey ho , bootcamp workout , halloween workout , lean legs , intense exercise , beginner pilates , Livestrong Woman , pilates bootcamp , legs for short skirts
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