'Professional Surfer Kekoa Uemura gets ready for his professional surfing season 2010 by training with ultimate professional personal trainer Jason Maxwell of Max Fitness, LLC Hawaii. Kekoa Uemura is a world renowned professional longboard surfer who is currently competing all over the world. Jason Maxwell is a well established personal trainer who is very proactive in his training. His training techniques to reach each tailored goal for each client is second to none. Jason Maxwell trains anybody from top surfing professionals to top business professionals. Let Jason Maxwell of Max Fitness, LLC help change your life today. Call (808)343-4233 now!'
Tags: fitness , exercise , フィットネス , personal , trainer , training , Surf , hawaii , balance , extreme , max , jason , bosu , Honolulu , 運動 , Maxwell , プロ , トレーニング , longboard , LLC , Punahou , ハワイ , Uemura , トレーナー , ウエムラ , Kaikoa , Kekoa , サーフィン , ケコア , 上村 , サーフ , ボード , ロング , ロングボード , サーファー , オアフ島 , バランス , ショートボード , ファンボード , すごい
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