'Hermanite Abs Workout with Scott Herman is an intense AMRAP (as many reps as possible) circuit-style abdominal workout that uses a specially formulated group of exercises to burn fat, activate the core and sculpt a rock hard six pack in just 15 mins a day. This effective, core-strengthening routine features 3 rounds of 4 exercises with 10 seconds in between. Complete as many reps as you can of each round then after the 4th move, take a 30 second rest before starting again and trying to up the intensity and improve your progress. Turn up the burn and sculpt shredded abs with Fitness Expert, Scott Herman Fitness Founder, and Trainer from programs like BeFiT in 30 Extreme/ 30 Day 6 Pack Abs/ BeFiT Intensity, Scott Herman as he takes you through this supercharged circuit that features result-driven moves like janda sit-ups, floor oblique crunches, reverse crunches and planks that will work the upper and lower abs, obliques, back, glutes, arms, shoulders and more to uncover maximum definition fast. Take this workout with you anywhere to set the abs on fire. You need a floor mat, a towel and a bottle of water to complete this segment. Work at your own pace and use the modifications provided to adjust difficulty levels. Tune in to BeFiT weekdays for newly uploaded FREE workouts. Click here for more ab workouts featuring Scott Herman: http://bit.ly/1wtcpct CLICK HERE to go to BEFIT.COM http://www.befit.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Befitchannel&utm_campaign=annoHome Click to Subscribe to BefiT on Amazon Instant Video for Workout Solutions for Every Body! http://www.befit.com/subscribe/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=YTOrganic&utm_campaign=annoDR Check out Scott’s Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness Visit Scott’s Official Website here: http://muscularstrength.com/ Click here to sign up for the free BeFiT newsletter for workout tips, recipes and more! http://lionsgatebefit.com/?utm_source=anno&utm_medium=youtube&utm_campaign=top10 Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.lionsgatebefit.com Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lionsgatebefit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/lionsgatebefit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/lionsgatebefit To purchase DVD\'s, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId=8'
Tags: how to , fitness , abs , ab workout , Weight loss , sexy , exercise , diet , Health , stretch , core , abs workout , burn fat , work out , hot , body , muscle , SPORTS , strong , strength , arms , chest , fat , trainer , exercises , crunches , lose weight , 6 pack abs , abdominals , shoulders , free workouts , calories , BeFit , Be Fit , sit-ups , Scott Herman , six pack abs , build muscle , celebrities , legs , belly , obliques , lean , 30 day , shredded , planks , ripped , celebrity trainer , extreme workouts , hermanites
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