'This simple move, “Hand Me Down”, restores mobility in between the long bones of the hand, the metacarpals. Basically, the long bones of your hand are connected to one another through firm connective tissue called periosteum, this hard fascia serves as the sea-bed that links multiple soft-tissue structures together. These interosseous spaces can narrow over time due to excessive gripping, holding and chronic “carrying.” New parents (or people who cannot let go of their cell phones) can easily develop painful knots and masses on the palms of their hands because of this shortening of the connective tissues within the palm of the hand, essentially creating a “palmer fasciitis.” It can even resemble a pseudo-arthritis. How much of this can you HANDle? Well, you can probably take a lot, but at some point, these abundant hand nerves will express their agony unless you press PAWs. I advocate for using Yoga Tune Up® Balls and a great hand/finger stretch called Claw Jaw. Tune in for the details. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVMjCuAAxTeNuvFHuvr1RwQ?sub_confirmation=1 For More Info, Visit: http://www.TuneUpFitness.com/ Connect With Us: http://www.Facebook.com/TuneUpFitness http://www.Twitter.com/TuneUpFitness http://www.Instagram.com/TuneUpFitness https://www.Pinterest.com/TuneUpFitness/'
Tags: postpartum , postnatal fitness , postpartum fitness , mobility , hands , self massage , hand pain , hand work , hand mobility , therapy balls , therapy ball massage , Self-Myofascial Release , Roll Model Mama , the roll model , hand stretch , finger stretch , metacarpals
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