'Welcome to another HIIT workout. This one I am calling the morning HIIT workout as it is a very intense HIIT interval session that raises the heart rate through the roof. It is a great way to start the morning, wake the hell up and get moving. Why the Italian Tune Up? Well, we move as fast as we can then we slow down for a few seconds. Basically instead of cleaning the injectors out we clean the cob webs from out heads and get ready to tackle the day. It\'s 5 minutes of high intensity interval training! Go and get it! Thanks for participating! Paul #5minuteHIIT #italilantuneup #5minutehitt workout, #highintensityworkoutintervals, #italiantuneup workout, #intervalworkout at home, #intense workout, #intenseworkout at home, #noequipment workout, #homewokrout, #fastworkout at home, #cardiohiit workout, #hiit workout, #5minuteworkout, #highrev workout'
Tags: workout music , hiit workout , hiit , high intensity interval training , hiit cardio , interval workout , morning workout , italian tune up , high revolution , clean heart , morning hiit workout
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