'Long Beach CA trainer Crystal Dunn gets in a work out with Esmeralda (trainer) and Lauren (BNlabs rep) at the Long Beach Fit Club. Follow them on their social media...Crystal Dunn http://.instagram.com/crystaldunnfit http://.instagram.com/lbfitclub http://www.facebook.com/cdunn87 http:/www.facebook.com/longbeachfitclub Esmeralda http://.instagram.com/its_ezzyfitluv Lauren http://.instagram.com/the_gunn_club http://.instagram.com/BN LABS'
Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , trainer , TRAINERS , fit , club , longbeach , Fitchicks , fitclub , longbeachca , longbeachfitchicks , longbeachfitclub , bnlabs
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