'DAY 5 of 60........ *60 DAY CHALLENGE ALERT* I will be posting a new workout video for 60 days. My challenge is to help you workout effectively for 60 days straight, and make sure we all STOP just GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS. YOUR CHALLENGE is to make sure you are getting the right nutrition every day and complete each new drill and integrate it into your daily workout routine. MY HERBAHERO TEAM, I\'m keeping you accountable to this (you know who you are). RULES 1. HAVE FUN! 2. COMPLETE EACH DRILL DAILY. 20% 3. GET YOUR GOOD NUTRITION. 80% 4. SHRED! SHRED! SHRED! 100% You are a BEAST.... prove it to yourself that you can #COMMIT. I\'m in this with you! Super inspired by my awesome team and fueled by MY AWESOME MEAL PLAN!! LET\'S GO!! [email protected]'
Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , exercise , loss , weight , core , body , muscle , Weight Training (Hobby) , ab , Exercise (options) , leg , flex , Fitness (Magazine) , overall
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