'Hello Jumping people! I have prepared a project everyone of you can participate in! In the attached video is a choreography on a song called Alocate. It is a very easy, positive summer song and we want to create a video with everyone of you in it! How? Learn the choreo, grab your jumping profi trampoline and film your performance! Go outside, get a group of people together, be creative! Then we will include every video to one Jumping \"community\" video! It will be super awesome seeing people all around the world doing the same thing! So what do you need? - At least a cellphone and record a widescreen clip, use a tripod, have good lights - Know the choreography - Send it to jakub.novotny@jumping-fitness.com - Attach your state, name or a name of your studio - Make it before September 1st! Everyone will be in the final video! Be creative, make this awesome, make the Jumping Family proud! PS: Who can find a helicopter in the video? :P Share, shoot, jump! We want to see Alocate all around the world!'
See also: