'Introducing: POUND Unplugged https://poundfit.com/unplugged-splash/ Even before the pandemic, we recognized the mental health crisis happening around the world, and it continues to escalate. We’re burnt out, we feel uncertain, and some of the ways that we’ve traditionally coped have changed or gone away. We wanted to create a workout that the world needs and that meets them where they’re at; mentally, physically and spiritually. By creating a class structure that blends high-intensity training with breathwork and mindfulness, we’re able to sweat, release and boost our neurochemicals while quickly settling back into a peaceful, recharged, and empowered state. All within 30-minutes. POUND Unplugged is a 30-minute class that balances focused, high-intensity movements with restorative stretches, breathwork, and meditation. Using Ripstix, exercise drumsticks, the workout guides participants through a deeply intentional, rhythmic journey designed to promote the health and fitness of the whole person – mental, physical, and emotional. Quick, efficient, and challenging, POUND Unplugged connects mind, body, and sound to create immersive, sensory experiences, unlike anything you’ve experienced in a group fitness class. https://poundfit.com/unplugged-splash/ ─────────────── Find a class: http://bit.ly/33ivcjt Become an Instructor: http://bit.ly/32hBcHO ───────────────
Tags: cardio , exercise , full body workout , fitness instructor , Group Fitness , ace , AFAA , nasm , poundfit , pound rockout workout , pound workout , drumming fitness , group exercise instructor , canfitpro
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