'When you have a literal handle on your resistance bands, you get more out of every move. Unlock countless new moves with the #TRXBANDIT’s comfortable handle. Harness the power of your resistance bands and turn up the intensity of any workout by “lifting” more weight with a simple twist and step. 1️⃣ TRX BANDIT Alternating March 2️⃣ TRX BANDIT Reverse lunge to Shoulder Press 3️⃣ TRX BANDIT Wood Chop 4️⃣ TRX BANDIT Sumo Deadlift 5️⃣ TRX BANDIT Squat Jack Want more TRX BANDIT moves? For a limited time get 3 months free of TRX Training Club On-Demand at bit.ly/BANDITxShaunaYT. #TRX #TRXLetsMove #TRXTrainingClub Join our community: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trxtraining/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trxtraining/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRXtraining Visit us at: https://www.trxtraining.com/ Shop Now: https://store.trxtraining.com/'
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