'2017 Men\'s Fitness Fit Bloke Challenge'

'2017 Men\'s Fitness Fit Bloke Challenge'
19:47 Jun 19, 2023
'EXPAND YOUR COMFORT ZONE  So, yes, I use this tagline so it\'s one I used myself today.  I\'m one for putting yourself out there from time to time. So, practice what you preach right? A great opportunity provided by Mens Fitness Mag AU today at the 2017 Sydney Fitness Expo.  10 rounds, 45&15 with a 1min break before tackling a 2nd lap = 20 Rounds AMRAP.  By round 3 didn\'t care about being 48 and repping it out with the young bucks half my age, not being centre stage. It was just about completing each round.  I\'ve not lifted iron for a long time with the exception of kettlebells and some isolation movements, preferring bodyweight training and today it showed. On completion, my quads and glutes were on fire. Breathing was an effort, but recovery is fast.   During heat 2 I had the pleasure of capturing some photo\'s of the CrossFit boys repping out some huge volume and seeing their kipping pullups double my strict form with ease. Hmm, there\'s a new skill to learn along with double unders.  To the boys moving onto the finals a simple Old Bull message RepEmOut, go strong, 20minutes of AMRAP and it\'s done.' 

Tags: Conditioning Coach , Train DIfferent , HIITMAN Training , Expand Your Comfort Zone , Embrace The Different , Age is NO Excuse

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