Apr 9, 2021
'Get your model-body with my free 15 day challenge! Sign up today: https://idealfit.com/fit-model-fitness/ 15 Day Fit Model Fitness Challenge is different from other fitness challenges because it focuses on building the confidence you need to feel like a fit model all the time. And when you feel great, you look great. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a “model” body--I will help you have a fit body, with the confidence you need to look and feel amazing in your daily life. Fit Model isn’t a look, it’s a lifestyle. Day 3 Bubble Booty Workout Curtsey Lunges - 10x on each side Sumo Squat Pulses - 20x Glute Bridges - 20x Donkey Kick Backs - 20x each leg Sprints 100m 10x (Run 100m, rest one minute, repeat)'See also: