'Day 43 of 100 Days Fitness Challenge is about performing 43 pushups and 43 squats. Hi, I\'m your friend, Puneet. A Motivational Blogger at Admiring Life, A Book Reviewer at Understanding The Books, and now A Fitness Enthusiast as well. I, welcome you to my channel and to the 100 Days Fitness Challenge. Let me tell you something about this challenge. The difficulty of the challenge is increased by 1%, each day. What I mean by that is that if you do 1 pushup & 1 squat on 1st day, then you need to perform 2 pushups and 2 squats on the 2nd day. For me, It all started on 26th September 2020, which was my first day of the challenge and I performed 1 pushup and 1 squat. As the days have gone, today I have reached Day 43 now performing 43 pushups and 43 squats as you can see in the video. This is a 100 Days Fitness Challenge so my try is to be consistent throughout all the 100 days. If you like my videos, please support me by subscribing to my channel. You can shower your love the way you know. These are my other social handles if you like to follow me: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motivationalpuneet Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motivationalpuneet/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/motivatepuneet LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/motivationalpuneet/ This is my second channel where I review books (basically Non-fiction & Self-help books) Understanding The Books: https://youtube.com/channel/UCRi0dno2GMWp3o71MBA5tDg The challenge is made by Divya Kothari. Here is his Instagram Profile Link: https://www.instagram.com/iamdivyakothari/ Thank you for watching! I\'ll see you soon. Have a good day.!'
Tags: fitness , home workouts , exercises , squats , pushups , free hand exercises , 100 pushups , 100 Days Fitness Challenge , 100 Days Exercises Challenge , 100 Squats
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