'Train SMART. Compound movements utilize multiple joints during the exercise along with recruiting several muscle groups. Bench press, squats, deadlifts, and lunges are perfect examples. Here we combine deadlifts and rows using cables. You can use any equipment that has cables, you don\'t even need two attachment points as you see here, you can use one with 2 handles attached as well. Cables are great to use as they provide constant tension during both eccentric (stretch) and concentric (contract) phases of the lift. Yesterday was back day and I added this in towards the end of my workout. It\'s a great way to fully fatigue your targeted muscle groups and keep your movements safe as you tire out. In any workout, ideally start with your larger movements and work your way down to isolated movements. For example, on leg day, I may start with barbell back squats, lead to lunges, and finally single leg squats. Picture an upside down triangle, big movements first, smaller movements towards the end. As always, THINK about the movements and FEEL your muscles moving. The mind/body connection is awesome once you get it down. Practice, practice, practice! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/real.fitness.rx/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realfitnessrx/ Website: https://realfitnessrx.wixsite.com/realfitnessrx'
Tags: fitness , weightlifting , cables , realfitness , onlinepersonaltraining , realfitnessrx , cable deadlift to row
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