'Sorry this is only a limited amount of machines. You\'ve got to work with what you\'ve got! Most of these machines can be found in any normal gym (but not guaranteed). If you haven\'t used these machines before, hopefully this helped you see they\'re really not that scary. Most of them also have instructions on the machine but don\'t hesitate to ask someone at your gym Beanie from Raskol Apparel (code: BEEF to save at checkout) Pants from YoungLA (code: BEEF to save at checkout) ==LINKS: SUPS and CLOTHING (code: BEEF): RASKOL- https://raskolapparel.com/ YOUNGLA- https://www.youngla.com/ GORILLA MIND- https://gorillamind.com/?rfsn=5754194... ILUS LABEL- https://www.iluslabel.com/ ==SOCIALS: INSTA- https://www.instagram.com/leanbeefpatty/ TWITCH- https://www.twitch.tv/pinheadpatty TIKTOK- https://www.tiktok.com/@leanbeefpatty? Contents of this video 00:00 - Intro 00:34- Leg Press 01:46- Hack Squat 02:26- Hip Thrust/Glute Bridge 03:08- Lying Hamstring Curl 03:40- Quad Extension 04:20-Seated Abductor/Adductor Machine 05:10-Back 05:58-Shrug Machine 06:26- Seated Chest Supported Rows 07:01-Chest Press 07:44- Smith Machine 09:20- Closing thoughts/Adios 09:52- The End #LeanBeefPatty #fitnessjourney #beginnerfitness #gym #fitness #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #leanmuscle #lean #muscle #bodybuilding #musclebuilding #workoutroutine #walkthrough #gymworkout'
See also: