'What Are the Benefits of Stretching Hamstrings? : Exercise & Fitness Tips'

'What Are the Benefits of Stretching Hamstrings? : Exercise & Fitness Tips'
01:21 Jan 16
'Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehowfitness  Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehowfitness  Stretching out your hamstrings before working out comes with a number of clear benefits that shouldn\'t be ignored. Find out about the benefits of stretching your hamstrings with help from a longtime certified personal trainer in this free video clip.  Expert: Renee Byrd Bio: Renee Byrd has been a Certified Personal Trainer for over eight years. Filmmaker: Michael Goms  Series Description: Whether you\'re at home or at the gym, there are a number of key exercises that you can do to help you achieve nearly any fitness goal that you\'re trying to accomplish. Get tips on working out, staying in shape and exercising properly and safely with help from a longtime certified personal trainer in this free video series.' 

Tags: fitness , abs , exercises , abdominals , squats , ab workouts , working out , dead lift , HOW TO EXERCISE , getting in shape , staying in shape , deltoids , Upright row , dead lift on heels

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