'Hale boot camp - (Infiniti Fitness 121 Bootcamp) - Tyre flip suicide runs'

00:45 May 10, 2021
'https://spartanstrength.co.uk/ https://infinitifitness121.co.uk/ The Hale crew take on a team workout involving 25 yard alternating partner flips with a 25 yard sprint back to the start. Using strongman methods as a fun way to build raw strength with the members! Top work effort getting down and dirty with the grubby tyres! I am a CrossFit Trainer and bootcamp instructor operating from Train Manchester, Castlefield and run bootcamps in Castlefield, Hale and Moston, North Manchester.  Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/wearespartanstrength https://twitter.com/weare_spartan' 

Tags: sprints , strongman , Hale bootcamp , Bootcamp Hale , Altrincham Bootcamp , Bootcamp Altrincham , Hale bootcamps , Bootcamps Hale , Manchester Personal Trainer , Personal Trainer Manchester , Manchester Personal Training , Personal Training Manchester , tyre flips , Manchester Strength and Conditioning , General Physical Preparedness

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