'Bikini Abs Workout with Fitness Model Vicky!'

'Bikini Abs Workout with Fitness Model Vicky!'
04:53 May 12, 2021
'Want a Sexy Stomach? Tight Midsection? Female Fitness Model is showing you some great abdominal exercises to get your stomach looking sexy and ready for bikini session. Give each one a try for as many reps as you can. Repeat 5-6x per week.' 

Tags: fitness , loss , weight , body , muscle , crunches , sit-ups , beautiful , six pack workout , six pack abs , six pack , tone , lean , planks , flat stomach , bikini body , Sexy workout , crunch , pretty , sexy model , firm , Six-pack , Female (Gender) , Stomach (Anatomical Structure) , girls six pack , girl with six pack

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