'She posted a heart-warming message about loneliness to Instagram over Christmas, following her split from husband of 17 years Matthew Robertson.And Davina McCall has now given further insight into life as a newly-single woman -revealing she exercises to \'clear her head\' and feels \'reborn\' after the menopause.Speaking on Glamour\'s Is It Just Me? podcast, the 50-year-old lauded the effects of fitness on mental health, before acknowledging how men \'don\'t talk enough\' about their issues and insecurities later in life.Talking to hosts Jo Elvin and James Williams, Davina admitted women often embark on a new chapter of life during the menopause, rather than retiring into middle age.She said: \'We as women get to a point where we get to the menopause, and its far from being a time where everything falls apart.\' Revealing women start to put themselves first when the condition hits, after a life of helping others, she added: \'It\'s like a rebirth, the menopause.\'It’s a weird thing where women go, what do I want? We\'ve been selfless, we\'ve looked after other people.\' She then went on to compare the attitude of middle-aged women to men, and acknowledged how men don\'t have any \'role models\' to help them battle any insecurities, unlike females.She said: \'Women think, ‘I don\'t care if I appeal to men anymore, I want to feel amazing in myself, and I want to be the version of myself I can be’ \'Whereas guys think, \'Am I losing my allure? Where am I going, what\'s my job? That\'s a mid life crisis for a guy.\' \'I feel like we get reborn and we are enjoying complete revelation with women – we have so many women to look up to, so many fantastic role models.Before claiming: \'But men need the same - men don\'t talk enough.\' Candidly chatting on the podcast, Davina also addressed her famous love of exercise - and confessed she keeps fit for the effect it has on her mental health, just as much of the physical.Admitting she had lost weight in 2017, after an undoubtedly stressful year following her split from husband Matthew, she explained: \'Yesterday I went for a run at about 2:30.\'The sun was really low in the sky ,and it was crisp and so beautiful.I just felt fresh, and my face all tingly and my head really clear.and I just felt good about life.\' The interview comes after Davina recorded a Christmas message for her fans - in which she reassured those \'feeling a bit lonely\', following her recent marriage breakdown.Speaking to the camera, the TV presenter, 50, said: \'Hey everybody – I just wanted to say a very happy Christmas and I wanted to also say happy Christmas to anybody who’s feeling a bit lonely.\'I think it’s one of those days, isn’t it? Where, sometimes even if you’re in a huge group of people it’s quite possible to feel lonely or if you’ve lost someone you really care about, and this is your first Christmas without them, or if you couldn’t get home to your family.\'It’s only a day, and if you are feeling terrible, cuddle up with a duvet, make yourself some food as tha'
Tags: Women , Workout , exercise , life , men , Effect , christmas , positive , Matthew , Really , say , seen , talks , McCall , davina
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