'Good morning!! Today we are doing all ABS!! I mixed three of my challenging ab segments together so we can just get straight into your all time favorite body part to work ABS!!!. So this is going to get tough, so take a break between the three segments if you need to! Hope you love this video!! comment below what you would like to see next!! **How I keep my wrinkles at BAY. Frownie facial patches. find them here: https://amzn.to/2xfWs3a Thank you for watching!!! follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/stung_by_samantha/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StungbySamantha/ ***links with *** are affiliate links. I receive a small compensation for your purchase. SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH SOMEONE OVER 40 OR 50 WHO YOU LOVE!! SUBSCRIBE AND HIT THAT BELL BUTTON SO YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN MY NEXT VIDEO COMES OUT!! xoxoxo Samantha #hiitworkout #abworkout #workoutvideos'
Tags: abs , ab workout , cardio , Menopause , no equipment workout , women over 50 , menopause workout , real time workout , six pack , hiit , weightloss , at home workouts , beauty over 40 , makeup over 40 , hiit workouts , homeworkouts , law of attraction , fashion over 50 , fit over 40 , fit over 50 , mature skin , makeup over 50 , middle age , 50+ , 40+ , quick abs , Fintess , fast abs , peri menopause , ab routing , abs over 50 , over 50 and fabulous
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