'What are the Five Steps to Getting Fire Rescue Fit?'

'What are the Five Steps to Getting Fire Rescue Fit?'
06:47 Jul 18, 2021
'https://firerescuefitness.com/2018/05/5-steps-to-getting-fire-rescue-fit/  Why do many people that want to get fit for duty fall short and fail? Why do other succeed? What is the major difference between success and failure? After surveying and working with literally thousands of people over the 25 years I have been in fitness, including the last 5 years of managing the \"fit for duty\" challenge, it has become fairly obvious that there are really 5 things that these successful people do that separates them from the others.   Follow these steps and see results!' 

Tags: firefighter fitness , firefighter training , fit for duty , fire fit , emt fitness , fierfighter health

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