Jul 22, 2021
'With a passion for training, 25 year old Elton Pinto Mota is the world\'s hottest fitness model after honing the aesthetics of his physique over seven years in the gym. By day, Elton is a suited office worker in a local bank. But all of his spare time is devoted to building a flawless physique that\'s set him up as a top model and physique champion. Elton says he\'s still working on improvements. We caught up with him at a shoot with top photographer Alex Wightman, then we took him through a full Shoulder Workout for you to follow. Our thanks to : ALEX WIGHTMAN PHOTOGRAPHY, including thumbnail credit (used with permission) ULTIMATE FITNESS, BIRMINGHAM Follow us on Instagram and Facebook https://www.instagram.com/fitmediachannelofficial/ https://www.facebook.com/FitMediaChannel/?fref=ts #fitness #workout #gymmotivation AND CHECK OUT THESE VIDEOS CURRENTLY TRENDING ON FIT MEDIA CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLX5DjCkvO_EEte6MNCAJ8vXyoTt7poZ'
Tags: model , Physique , fitness model , hot model , Hot Guy , handsome guy
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