'Enjoy this great dance fitness workout with resistance bands to create the ultimate lean toned body. Different color resistance bands represent different strength - blue ones are the strongest, red ones are the lightest and green ones in the middle. Try to keep yore hands closer together for more resistance and as always - don\'t forget to BREATHE! Awesome easy-to-follow choreography by Asiya Khasnutdinova and AMAZING track by Major Lazer and DJ Snake \"LEAN ON\". For more info please visit Valeo Dance Fitness Studio website ➡️ https://www.valeoclub.com'
Tags: dance fitness , cardio dance , Club FITZ , zumba toning , Lauren Fitz , asiya khasnutdinova , valeoclub , dance classes atlanta , Valeo club , dance workout atlanta , resistance bands exercises , Mega Jam , cardio ballroom , Lean on dance , Lean on dance fitness , Lean on sway , Dance fitness with resistance , Lean on dance choreography , Lean on major Lazer , Lean on DJ snake , Toning and stengthening , Toning with bands , Dance with resistance bands , Lean on dance steps
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