'Normal Sex Drive---#fitness #health #weightloss #wellness #healthyeating #nutrition'

04:08 Dec 27, 2021
'Normal Sex Drive...  SUPER SEX AFTER 60 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1545347344/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1     My book is available on AMAZON.   I would appreciate your support. It’s only $29.95   ISBN-13 : 978-1545347348   #women #womenempowerment #health #womenshealth    How do you define or describe your sex drive? Also known as libido, sex drive is a nonclinical term that means enthusiasm or interest in sexual activity, either with a partner or by yourself. The presence of it (or lack thereof) can indicate the state of your mental and physical functioning.  Keep in mind that sexual desire ebbs and flows naturally. What is going on today may not be going on tomorrow.  Factors That Can Contribute to Sexual Desire, or the Lack of Sexual Desire  What controls the sex drive is actually a very complex intertwining of biological, psychological, and social-cultural influences.  Libido levels can be affected by:  • Abuse of alcohol and drugs • Anxiety, stress, and depression • Disease • Fatigue level • History of sexual abuse • Life circumstances • Medication • Menopause • Quality and novelty of relationship • Religious mandates • Sensory stimuli  What Is Normal Sex Drive? And Is There a \'Normal\' Level?  There are diagnostic conditions of hypoactive (low) libido and hyperactive (high) libido. But in general, libido levels (high or low) are only a problem if they are a problem for you or your partner. If a couple agrees on once or twice a month or once or twice a week, and that works for them, that’s fine. Even if there is a discrepancy where interests are different, it’s not necessarily pathological.  What to Do When Your Mojo Goes Missing: Treating Low Sex Drive  -Go to your internist or primary care doctor for a medical workup. Many diseases, including diabetes, thyroid problems, cancer, and cardiac problems, as well as disease treatments, such as radiation for cancer, can lead to low desire. Depending on what is found, your doctor may refer you to a specialist.  -To rule out drug side effects, discuss with your physician any medication, supplements, or herbs you\'re currently taking. Some can have a depressing effect on sex drive; but perhaps your doctor can find an alternative.  -Ask about libido-enhancing medication. Addyi (flibanserin) is the first FDA-approved product that works on premenopausal women.' 
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