'30 Minute LEVEL UP Shadow Boxing HIIT Workout Do you want to throw your hands? Do you want to get shredded? Do you want to learn boxing? With an awesome boxing workout? My name is Nate Bower; this is a 30 minute level up shadow boxing HIIT workout where I take you through build-up combinations and HIIT combinations in this 30-minute leveled-up shadow boxing workout. It\'s 30 minutes long, and you’re going to go through two-minute rounds, and we do 11 rounds total. The last round is a leveled-up round where you do three × 30 seconds of all-out work to finish this 30 minute level up shadow boxing HIIT workout. -------------------------------------------- 300 ELEVATED PREMIUM Workouts --- NATE BOWER ELEVATED https://watch.natebowerelevated.com/ Boxing Gloves https://natebowerfitness.com/boxing/shadow-boxing-gloves -------------------------------------------- Shadowboxing Shadowboxing is a combat sport where a person throws punches at the air as though there is an opponent. Practiced primarily in boxing, it is used mainly to prepare the muscles before the person training engages in stronger physical activity. Shadowboxing is a great way to build up that much-needed muscle memory. While you\'re in control of your surroundings and focusing on your form, technique, and movement, you are building these important skills into your muscle memory to move about the ring easily and comfortably. HIIT (High-intensity interval training) HIIT training is perfect for boxing training. A boxer needs to work hard in fast bursts delivering punches before recovering and dancing around the ring to avoid his opponent\'s punches. A boxer is constantly alternating between a fast and low pace. HIIT workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition as well as improved glucose metabolism. Compared with longer sessions typical of other regimens, HIIT may not be as effective for treating hyperlipidemia and obesity or improving muscle and bone mass. However, research has shown that HIIT regimens produced significant reductions in the fat mass of the whole body in young women. Some researchers also note that HIIT requires \"an extremely high level of subject motivation\" and question whether the general population could safely or practically tolerate the extreme nature of the exercise regimen. Boxing is the most effective sport because it involves many high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that engages multiple muscle groups, works out the whole body, and can be done in a much shorter time period. Follow Nate Bower Official Website: http://natebowerfitness.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/natebowerfitness Facebook: https://facebook.com/natebowerfitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbfitness About Nate Bower: Nate Bower is a certified PTS, boxing instructor, personal trainer, and competitive athlete in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This channel offers boxing workouts, heavy bag workouts, high-intensity interval training, motivation, timed session workout routines, and more. -------------------------------------------- Join this channel to get access to Elevated Workouts Live streams and members perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9_TpiSkqYwcr35uh5N7Og/join -------------------------------------------- #hiitworkout #hiit #workout . . . Keywords: 30 minute shadow boxing hiit shadow boxing hiit boxing hiit boxing workout shadow boxing workout shadow boxing for beginners shadowboxing boxing workouts boxing workout at home boxing home workout hiit fitness shadow boxing workout hiit intense workout hiit boxing hiit boxing workout hiit workout hiit workout for beginners 30 minute hiit workout box hiit workout hiit workout at home 30 min hiit workout hiit exercise hiit exercises intense hiit'
Tags: hiit workout , hiit , hiit workout at home , hiit workout for beginners , intense workout , 30 min hiit workout , intense hiit , Boxing Workout , #HIIT , hiit exercise , shadow boxing , hiit fitness , hiit exercises , boxing home workout , boxing workouts , 30 minute hiit workout , HIIT boxing workout , boxing HIIT , boxing workout at home , shadowboxing , hiit boxing , shadow boxing workout , shadow boxing for beginners , 30 minute shadow boxing hiit , box hiit workout , shadow boxing workout hiit
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