03:44 May 5, 2022
'Welcome to Health & Fitness Channel!!!                                                                                                                                                   *************************** Best Browser 2020‎; DOWNLOAD FREE; SECURE, x3 FASTER, BLOCK ADs & PRIVATE Browser; Support:  Windown,iOS & Android. Discorvery Now: https://brave.com/han896                                                                          *************************** Get program now:                * EAT SLEEP BURN : http://bit.ly/2SpDrrn                * FLAT BELLY FIX: http://bit.ly/2HjE6DS  THE BEST EXERCISES FOR BETTER SEX:  1. Cardio Getting physical can ramp up the pleasure for you and your partner. Any activity that gets your heart beating faster and you breathing harder, from brisk walking to cycling, can boost blood flow -- including to your nether regions. That’s a plus for both genders: stronger erections for men, and greater arousal for women according to a University of Texas study.  2. Swimming Harvard researchers found that male and female swimmers in their 60s had sex lives similar to people 20 years younger. Swimming builds endurance, boosts blood flow, improves flexibility and strength, and slashes stress. It also burns some serious calories, a plus for anyone who\'s overweight (extra pounds lower libido), especially obese men with erectile dysfunction.  3. Core and Abs Work A strong, flexible core underpins most everything you do. That includes performing between the sheets.   4. Frog Pose This move will make you more flexible during lovemaking, says NYC-based exercise physiologist Liz Neporent. It\'s an intense hip opener that stretches your inner thighs, groin, and hips. It also releases stress, which can be a real buzz-kill in bed.  5. Hinge To help hold yourself in a \"favorable position\" without your back or legs giving out, Neporent recommends the hinge. Lean back at a 45-degree angle for a few seconds before returning upright, and repeat. The move is subtle but creates a lot of staying power.  6. Kegels Developed to treat urinary incontinence, these strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and that may mean more intense orgasms. Women may be more familiar with Kegels, but they also help men prevent premature ejaculation. But studies show half of people don\'t do them correctly. Ladies, if you put a finger in your vagina, you should feel a pulling up when you squeeze. Men, your penis will lift up.  7. Plank This is a perfect way to strengthen the deepest layer of your ab muscles (transversus abdominis), along with your upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. These muscles help stabilize you so you can stay close to your partner when and where it counts most. Do it once a day, and build up to 60 seconds or longer. If it\'s too challenging on your toes, try balancing on your knees instead.  8. Cat/Cow Stretch Think of this yoga pose as another form of foreplay. It limbers your spine, helps get you into an even breathing rhythm, and improves focus -- so your mind stays in the moment. Move with a steady flow, so that each rounding up (the cow part) takes a full breath out and each arching downward (the cat part) takes a full breath in.  9. Pelvic Thrust Whether your favorite position is missionary or cowgirl, this move is a key part of it. But powerful pushes can be exhausting when you\'re out of shape. Work your glutes, calves, and hamstrings to build stamina and flexibility.   10. Better Together Couples who sweat together stay together, so make an exercise date with your significant other. Studies show that challenging physical activities spark arousal. You\'ll be more attracted to your partner post-workout, too.  .................. #TheBestExercisesforBetterSex #HealthAndFitnessChannel Tag: 10 Exercises for BETTER SEX, Exercises to Make You Better at Sex,Exercises for Sexual Fitness,Core Fitness for Better Sex,The Best Workout for Your Sex Life,The ultimate exercise circuit to improve your sex life,Best Exercises To Increase Your Sexual Stamina For Men Naturally Last Longer In Bed Health,How to Exercise for Better Sex,KEGEL EXERCISES For Men To LAST LONGER,Benefits Of Kegel Exercises For Men,Benefits Of Kegel,Kegel Exercises For Men,How do Kegel exercises,The Best Exercises for Better Sex,Exercises for Better Sex,Best Exercises for Better Sex for Men,Sex Exercise for Men,Exercises for Better Sex,How to Exercise for Better Sex,Better Sex,Sex Exercise,exercises for sex,core fitness for better sex,sex exercise,exercise for sexuality,exercise for sex,workout,fitness,personal trainer,sex workout,workout for sex,exercise for sex,sex exercise,best exercise for sex,sex life,exercise for better sex,exercises for sex,best exercise for sexuality,sex exercise for man,work out sex,sexercise,sexercises,workout for better sex,training for the bedroom,sexual workout,sexual exercise for men,exercise before sex,better sex workout,how to be better at sex,sexlif' 

Tags: Benefits Of Kegel , How do Kegel exercises , exercises for sex , exercises for better sex , core fitness for better sex , exercise for sexuality , exercise for sex , Exercises for Sexual Fitness , 10 Exercises for BETTER SEX , Exercises to Make You Better at Sex , The Best Workout for Your Sex Life , How to Exercise for Better Sex , The Best Exercises for Better Sex

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