'http://www.chrissybshow.tv Health and fitness expert Ben Cooper gives some great tips for students to de-stress. The Chrissy B Show airs on SKY 203 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10pm in our cosy living room studio in the heart of London. For more information visit www.chrissybshow.tv Facebook: The Chrissy B Show Twitter: @chrissybshow Follow the presenter on Instagram: chrissyboodram'
Tags: stress , “Depression” , “depressed” , beatdepression” , “mentalhealth” , “mentalillness” , “selfharm” , “sad” , “anxiety” , “panicattacks” , “eatingdisorders” , “inspirational” , “menshealth” , “womenshealth” , “suicide” , “lonely” , “lonliness” , “stigma” , “bipolar” , “YAMH” , “suicideprevention” , “stopsuicide” , “stigmafighters” , “stampoutstigma” , “psychology” , “psychologists” , “MHtalks” , “MentalOutcomes” , “abuse” , “bullying” , “cutting” , “coping” , “bodyimage” , “wellbeing” , studetns , student stress
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