'Fitness Marketing - Ask Jeff Show Ep 44'

14:07 Jul 15, 2022
'Click here for more fitness marketing tips: https://youtu.be/4c6N1ISb6bw  1. I currently don’t have anything going on between 11-4pm at my studio. What could I be doing to bring in revenue during those times?  2. What do you recommend to improve my sale copy skills, specifically for websites, sales funnels and emails.  3. My issue is that I don’t have any money for paid advertising. I work really hard on my social media posts but it still seems to move at a snails pace. Is there anything else I can do?  Jeff Sherman Inner Circle Fitness Business and Marketing Coach http://www.jeffshermaninnercircle.com/' 

Tags: fitness marketing , fitness sales , personal trainer marketing , fitness business systems , fitness business coaching , selling fitness , fitness marketer , fitness sales funnels , fitness lead funnels , fitness business plans

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