'Martial Arts Exercises Day 3 in honour of Bruce Lee at The Active Lifestyle - The explosive medicine ball pushup (or pressup). If you are looking to build strength in your chest and arms - and your upper body strength all round, the explosive medicine ball push up is a great exercise. Excellent for martial artists, it\'s works your upper body strength and explosiveness. Warning, if you\'ve ever had shoulder injury or shoulder issues, I wouldn\'t go straight into this exercise, and you should be very careful when doing shoulder workouts. A good place to start is with normal push ups however as they promote excellent scapular function. If you need more on rehabbing an injured shoulder subscribe to our channel and watch our shoulder mobility videos! Next exercise coming tomorrow, give us a shout if you have any questions or requests!'
Tags: Workout , Health , bodybuilding , Personal Training , chest , training , pushups , power , Martial Arts , Fight , studio , Push Up , online , online coaching , triceps , shoulder , bruce lee , mobility , Auckland , upper body strength , Press Up , shoulder health , tal , trianing , explosive push up , the active lifestyle personal training studio , medicine ball push up , mt eden , theactivelifestyle.net , talblast , jschoftraining , 40 Mount Eden Road , Mount Eden
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