'Standing ABS WORKOUT, no sitting or laying down in this 10 minute home workout. No equipment needed, there\'s no jumping, its low impact, beginner friendly and you only need a little bit of space. ▶︎ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2DP2pM6 NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY ▶︎ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOR MORE WORKOUTS: www.instagram.com/monikalarssen/ ▶︎ 6-WEEK HOME SHRED PROGRAM Video Playlist: https://bit.ly/3f3DeFM INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/3cWfv7A ▶︎ WEEKLY WORKOUT PROGRAMS INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/3s3qEKd ▶︎ AVOID INJURIES BY WARMING UP AND COOLING DOWN WARM UP: https://youtu.be/vmhuQNRY6gk COOL DOWN: https://youtu.be/1KHLUqp2EOY ▶︎ MY THREE LATEST WORKOUTS 15MIN BOOTY: https://youtu.be/OwoND8ECLW0 20MIN FULL BODY: https://youtu.be/LGTdAW1whw8 20MIN LEG/BUTT/THIGHS: https://youtu.be/-MtETrYkTfQ
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