'Took me a while to not only get this video edited (computer problems, finding a program that would easily let me make a split screen out of it, etc) but also to decide how often I wanted to do the body tests for the sake of my YouTube channel. And a few days ago I decided that, like the before and after photos that I\'ll be posting to my main website, Sidequestpublications.wordpress.com , the body tests themselves should function as a monthly \"progress report\" of sorts, rather than the weekly thing I intend to start doing with my other workout options. The hope is that I will have a greater variety of content AND genuine progress to show... part of the point of this playlist, after all, is to let other people who might be interested in trying to get fit see if these games would work for them.'
Tags: Weight loss , Nintendo , gopro , split screen , go pro , fusion360 , fitness tracking , fitness games , Wii U , wii fit u , go pro fusion , fit meter
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