'Ars Technica\'s Valentina Palladino reviews the stylish Misfit Ray activity tracker and its companion apps. Read the article: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/04/misfit-ray-fitness-tracker-review-putting-style-ahead-of-fancy-features/ Connect with Ars Technica: Visit ArsTechnica.com: http://arstechnica.com Follow Ars Technica on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arstechnica Follow Ars Technica on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+ArsTechnica/videos Follow Ars Technica on Twitter: https://twitter.com/arstechnica Ars reviews Misfit Ray activity tracker'
Tags: technology , Fitness Tracker , gadget , Activity Tracker , Misfit Ray , ars technica , ars , arstechnica
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