Aug 18, 2022
'First Fitness To A Tee April show on the WunTV network in April AND Tee has a special guest Brenda based in Melbourne, Australia on her fitness journey; and relationship with her body, mind, food over her health journey! She will also be telling us about her recently published book in her role as an experienced counsellor! *Tee is a lawyer turned serial entrepreneur, holistic health coach, international personal trainer, model, author and humanitarian! To gain easy to follow tips on how to get a healthier mind and body plus learn more about #fitnesstoatee online home and gym workouts which you can access from anywhere worldwide - head to the following pages: www.fitnesstoatee.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/fitnesstoateecomau Instagram: @teurai1 Blog: https://theworldfromteesview.home.blog'See also: