'The face, like the body, requires a fitness regime to maintain vitality. In this series called Face Fitness I share the importance of diet, exercise and other elements that influence the overall health of our skin. In this first video I touch on diet, specifically sugars, and how they impact the aging process. Sugars such as wine, candy, pastries and carbohydrates all contain or convert into sugars in the body which lead to GLYCATION: a process in which the sugar molecules bond to the collagen & elastin fibres, harden, and cause the fibres to snap. This results in a breakdown of our collagen and elastin architectural network which leads to sagging. You are what you eat! Watch this video to learn more about how a sweet tooth can effect the silhouette or contours of the face. Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/swatbeautyofficial/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/swatbeautyofficial'
Tags: fitness , Workout , muscles , chocolate , skincare , sugar , candy , face , Anti-Aging , wine , face fitness , glycation
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