'Without doubt some of the fittest people on the planet are people participating in combat sports like wrestling, boxing, Jiu jets, martial arts, and of course Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Unlike other sports where fitness is a very similar standard, athletes in these sports are also some of the strongest and most powerful. Trying to combine incredible strength with fitness is extremely difficult to do, and if you add the complexity of skills required for each sport you have a great appreciation of how committed and disciplined these athletes really are. Make sure you read our full article on our website with a ton of information that we didnt cover in this video. Go to the link below https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/349-four-workouts-for-combat-sports-to-increase-strength-power For example boxing requires incredible upper body strength and power, but Tae kwon do athletes need very little upper body work, as 98%of scoring techniques involves kicking. Wrestlers and Jiu Jitsu fighters require elements of power too, but they require massive amounts of isometric strength with the neck, shoulders and core. Grip strength is massive in these sports and we do not even need to mention how important the legs are. The MMA fighter is obviously a combination of all of the above and is why it is rated as the most difficult of all the sports. The length of the bouts can vary a lot as well which is very important when designing the length of a workout or circuit. Boxers have 3 minute rounds, Tae Kwon Do 2 minute rounds and MMA and wrestling bouts are 5 minute rounds. One thing common to all these sports is each bout produces very high levels of lactate with high heart rates. Lactate also affects the muscles ability to function and you know when someone hits their threshold for this is when you see the person completely “gassed out” and barely able to move. The only thing they can do now is to stop to allow their muscles to regain oxygen which is not good if you are in the middle of the round. The fitter the fighter, the better able he or she is at tolerating high levels of lactate to avoid “gassing out” and recovering more rapidly between rounds to stay at their optimal capacity. It is vital these athletes use training methods have to push themselves way beyond what is comfortable and learn how to cope under extreme duress. Most people are familiar with this with interval training at the running track. It can also be used with cycling, swimming and even stair climbing. For more ideas on interval training read our article – Interval Training Why It Is the Best Way to Improve Fitness Fast Traditional running intervals works to some degree for the fighter, but exercises that use the upper body should be incorporated because the ability to remove lactate differs between muscle groups. When the fighter is either grappling or punching, lactate build up needs to be removed as quickly as possible; if only the legs are efficient at this, then the fighter will fatigue in the upper body sooner which is of no use to them. This is the beauty of the circuit workout as we can promote huge amounts of lactate into specific movements similar to the sport and force the athlete to find a way to tolerate the demands. Key movements for combat sports are Deadlifts https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/328-try-these-deadlift-variations-to-find-what-works-best-for-you Farmers Walks https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/342-farmers-walks-the-most-under-rated-and-powerful-functional-movement Turkish Get Ups https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/256-why-the-turkish-get-up-is-such-a-great-exercise Single Cable Push https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/333-single-cable-push-why-it-is-so-much-more-than-a-chest-exercise These exercises would make my foundation of the program and I would add in other variations around these key movements. If I am looking for a significant challenge I will use the farmer’s walks and Turkish get-ups between supersets of the other exercises. This adds a huge amount of volume to the muscles crucial to movements used in grappling sports and very quickly increases grip strength without the problem of adding too much stiffness to the body. This is without a doubt my favourite strength workout to use. See this article for example of this https://www.noregretspt.com.au/index.php/resources/blog/43-2014/346-my-favourite-functional-strength-workout-to-improve-stability-mobility-at-the-same-time There is many other exercises we could have included and I am sure you might have some creative ones better than ours and that is fine. Just try to mix between strength and power and aim for a 3-5 minute workout.'
Tags: strength training , mma workout , strength and conditioning , speed training , circuit workout , mma training , bjj workout , grip strength , combat sports , Mixed Martial Arts (Martial Art) , functional strength training , muay thai workout , how to punch harder , farmers walk , Nick Jack , No Regrets Personal Training , mma circuit , wrestling workout , turkish get up workout , grappling workout , combat sport workout , circuit workout with weights
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