'Wioletta Pawluk is a Polish-born fitness model. Born and raised in Central Europe, Poland, Wioletta always had a passion for fitness – lifting weights and running on the treadmill during her spare time. However, she hadn’t considered a career in the fitness industry at this point. Instead, she chose to study Architectural Technology at College, but became unhappy with the path she was taking. After graduating and earning her Bachelor’s Degree, Wioletta decided to chase her dream – modelling. Soon after, Wioletta made the big move from Poland to New York, USA. Determined to succeed, she began contacting numerous modelling agencies, in an attempt to feature in magazines and adverts. After a few weeks of sending emails, Wioletta finally got her break through; she was invited to photo shoots, and started building a reputation for her curvy figure. Despite her busy lifestyle as a model, Wioletta still aims to train in the gym 6 days per week. She’s best known for her glutes and legs, and she enjoys training them the most out of any other muscle groups. She has over 600,000 followers on Instagram. Instagram ★ Fitness Life Exclusive: https://www.instagram.com/fitness_life_exclusive Instagram WIOLETTA PAWLUK: https://www.instagram.com/wioletta_pawluk Track: Marin Hoxha - Limitless Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/HWJzzs9S2Bg Free Download: https://fanlink.to/cJJ5 Subscribe in channel: https://bit.ly/3oPMWNV Watch here other Best Videos: SOPHIE ARVEBRINK https://youtu.be/VV4ky8TtUS8 BROOKE ENCE https://youtu.be/TCXF6rlP1Ds DENIZ SAYPINAR https://youtu.be/keUN5kAMw6o CASS MARTIN https://youtu.be/mhfaTOK-RJY CELIA GABBIANI https://youtu.be/jKBTS-FK6ow VIVI WINKLER https://youtu.be/cwWvnWLBJto ANLLELA SAGRA https://youtu.be/OA1o9Lz677Q ASPEN RAE https://youtu.be/1cMelmaBO5g MICHELLE LEWIN https://youtu.be/8ULVrpc8UhA #WiolettaPawluk #fitness #fitnessmodel #fitnessmotivation #workoutmusic'
Tags: fitness , bodybuilding , music for training , fitness motivation , fitness workout , fitness model , female fitness motivation , trap , music for workout , LIMITLESS , Magic Music , No Copyright Music , workout music 2021 , тренировка , Future Bass , Фитнес , как накачать попу , bodyfitness , gym girls , fitness bikini , фитнес модель , как накачать , фитоняшка , фитнес бикини , Fitness 2021 , Wioletta Pawluk , magic free release , fitness life exclusive , 2021 music , виолетта павлюк , Marin Hoxha
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