'June is men\'s health month; approximately 60% of American adults live with some kind of chronic health condition. Many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity are preventable with healthy lifestyle choices like exercise and good nutrition. However, even if you workout regularly and watch what you eat, it\'s still important to make your health a priority. This Quick Fit Tip provides some ideas and insights on what you can do to help the men in your life improve their health, if you\'e a guy, on steps that you can take to improve YOUR health. Not only can healthy lifestyle choices help you to avoid disease, they can also enhance your quality of life as well as extend your lifespan; this Quick Fit Tip provides a few simple ways that you can achieve those outcomes. Listen to the All About Fitness podcast with Ebenezer Samuel, the fitness editor of Men\'s Health magazine: https://traffic.megaphone.fm/GLSS3596847405.mp3 Coming soon: Ageless Intensity: High-intensity Workouts to Slow the Aging Process https://www.amazon.com/Ageless-Intensity-High-Intensity-Workouts-Process/dp/1718200757/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=ageless+intensity&qid=1624032007&sr=8-2 Learn how to design your own workout programs with Smarter Workouts: The Science of Exercise Made Simple https://us.humankinetics.com/products/smarter-workouts https://petemccallfitness.com Sign up for the mailing list to receive a free chapter and workout from Smarter Workouts as well as free content delivered straight to your inbox every month! Exercise Program Design for the Fountain of Youth; $49 Online education course that will teach you how to design the workout Maintain your youthful energy, add lean muscle mass, slow down the effects of time! Learn how to design the workout programs that help could slow down the effects of the aging process on your body. This online course reviews the science of how exercise helps your body maintain its youthful strength and appearance well into the later years of the human lifespan. ANYONE can take the course, fitness professionals, personal trainers and group fitness instructors earn continuing education credits, CECs, for taking the course. ACE - 0.3; NASM - 0.4 and AFAA - 4 https://allaboutfitness.inspire360.com/allaboutfitness/exercise-for-the-fountain-of-youth Exercise for the Fountain of Youth e-book; $7 Learn the workouts that can help slow the aging process, provides an overview of the science on how exercise can be YOUR fountain of youth! It includes a number of sample workouts that can help you to slow down the effects of time. https://allaboutfitness.inspire360.com/allaboutfitness/allaboutfitness/exercise-for-the-fountain-of-youth-e-book Total body core training online education course; $67 Learn the science of how to design exercise programs for stability, strength and power. This online course reviews the science of how the body adapts to different types of exercise so that you create workouts to achieve a number of different goals. Includes the Functional Core Training ebook along with structured workout programs that will show you how to exercise for success all year long. Fitness professionals, personal trainers and group fitness instructors earn continuing education credits, CECs for taking this course: 0.4 ACE; 0.5 NASM and 5 AFAA https://allaboutfitness.inspire360.com/allaboutfitness/total-body-core-training-continuing-education-program-for-fitness-professionals Functional Core Training e-book; $7 Will teach you what you need to know to build the body you want from the foundation of a strong core. The e-book covers six stages of workout programs from stability to power so that you build the body you want. https://allaboutfitness.inspire360.com/allaboutfitness/allaboutfitness/functional-core-training-e-book'
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