06:27 Oct 14, 2022
'Today, I pranked people at the gym acting like a nerd and picking up small weights and screaming! hope you guys enjoy the new content and new types of videos i\'m bringing to my channel.  FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @RiseUp_Wes https://www.instagram.com/riseup_wes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snapchat: darkskinwesley --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter : RiseUpWes https://twitter.com/RiseUpWes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE TO ME HERE ⇣ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TwM9HzcnZgzj8JAnNS6sg    extras:   Making serious gains  Nerd lifting weights  nerd lifting weight at the gym gym prankster pranks 2018  2018 prank gym pranks 2018  crazy gym prank' 

Tags: comedy , gym , funny , prank , pranks , funny pranks , compilation , CRAZY , workout tips , hilarious , funniest , public , funniest pranks , prank gone wrong , public prank , gym pranks , prank videos , gym prank , pranks gone wrong , prank vines , grunting at the gym , gym selfie , NERD LIFTING WEIGHT AT THE GYM , riseupwes , squealing at the gym , sex noises at the gym , gym prankster , gympranks , funny noises at the gym , gym prank compiliation , bigdawstv pranks

See also:
