'Rolling 101 for Tense Shoulders Driving, texting, talking, stress, and constant computer use can lead to muscle stiffness and pain. This tension can lead to headaches, backaches, jaw stiffness, eye strain and trouble concentrating. Because your body is intimately connected from head to toe, rolling the muscles of the upper back and shoulders will have an immediate effect on your neck and face. Targeting one of these areas, spreads joy to the rest. As we like to say “Work locally, act gloBALLy”. Learn more about myofascial self massage using massage therapy balls here: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/self-myofascial-release-techniques-using-massage-balls'
Tags: massage therapy , self massage , painful shoulders , self myofascial release , smfr , Yoga Balls , therapy balls , massage balls , yoga tune up balls , massage therapy balls , tune up balls
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