'As an entrepreneur, I\'m ultra focused in running and growing my online business. However, I still make sure that I spend quality time with my family (especially the kids) every week. See what has transpired during our trip in this new episode of #KimOnCamera. Sign up to my Free Masterclass to learn the right steps on how to sculpt the body of a physique athlete on a vegan diet, even if you have ZERO experience in the gym http://thesculptedvegan.com/masterclass ____ Have you been thinking of going vegan but wondering how you\'ll get enough protein in your diet? Or maybe you\'ve just been wondering what the heck to eat, if you\'re not cooking chicken and lean fish for protein. Let me be your guide! I\'ll show you the right steps on how to ensure you\'re getting ALL the nutrients you need to sculpt muscle and burn fat as well as basically saving the planet. Download your FREE Physique Athlete Gym & Meal Plan here: https://thesculptedvegan.com/physique... Join our community in “The Sculpted Vegan Insiders” Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/svpin... ____ Say hi on social: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesculptedv... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesculpted... Get Pro Body Sculpting Tips from the experts: https://thesculptedvegan.com/resources/ #thesculptedvegan #sv4weekshred #veganbodybuilding #veganfitness I post new body sculpting, fitness and nutritional tutorials every Tuesday! Subscribe and comment below with which tutorial you want to see next! Follow me: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesculptedv... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesculpted... Twitter: https://twitter.com/sculptedvegan'
Tags: vegan meal plans , entrepreneur tips , how to start an online business , vegan fitness , vegan bodybuilding , vegan fitness model , thesculptedvegan , kim constable , kim constable sculpted vegan , how to become an entrepreneur
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