'शीर्षासन के फायदे-fitness tips- Sirsasana benefits in Hindi-Inspirational video-Sarvesh Mishra'

'शीर्षासन के फायदे-fitness tips-  Sirsasana benefits in Hindi-Inspirational video-Sarvesh Mishra'
03:15 Feb 2, 2024
'सिर्फ मानसिक शक्ति नहीं शारीरिक शक्ति भी जरुरी है इतिहास रचने के लिए । अगर दिमाग अच्छा काम करता है और शरीर साथ नहीं देता तो कुछ नहीं हो सकता और अगर शरीर साथ देता है और दिमाग काम नहीं करता तो भी कुछ नहीं हो सकता । दोनो जरुरी है ।   Sarvesh Sanatan Share, Support, Subscribe …  YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuhtdS3A51_5NCICv9_pX6w?view_as=subscriber   Twitter:- https://twitter.com/sarvesh03   Face book: - https://www.facebook.com/sarveshkmishra2   Instagram:-  https://www.instagram.com/sarveshmishra2/   Music: - YouTube Library  Personal queries? Want more Information?  Head to the BOLO App and Hit the FOLLOW button to get answers ranging from- Depression, Self-development, Anxiety, stress and much more.   Bolo is a video-based Hindi question and answer platform where you can get answers to your questions on fashion, career, Motivation, Health, Cooking etc in just 1 minute!  Download the app https://bit.ly/2Rcso4P   Click on this after downloading the app to reach my profile: (Eg-https://theboloapp.com/user/2UUSL0Q3T6QR)' 

Tags: fitness , Show , yoga , The , power yoga , meditation , health benefits , motivational video , yoga day , asana , hair growth , motivational video in hindi , inspirational video in hindi , yoga poses , concentration , Pranayam , yog science , mishra , Sirsasana , hair regain , yogacharya , how to do headstand , Sarvesh , sirsasana for physical and mental strength , the Sarvesh mishra show , how to do shirshasana

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