'As one who wrestled with weight management. And in desperate need for a positive life change. I decided to call out to the universe and the universe answered. The Hawaiian fitness network has become a catalyst to start the conversation of living a healthy life. At one point in history Hawaiians had the healthiest lifestyle. But that went all down hill when western ways took over their way they would consume food. Centuries later 70% of Hawaiian’s die from diseases like cancer heart disease and diabetes. We are here to put an end to this... and learn and grow together... Wai\'anae Book on Hawaiian Health, The https://www.amazon.com/dp/096460230X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_FnOtFb3884GK1 https://instagram.com/hawaiianfitnessnetwork?r=nametag https://www.instagram.com/unclekaika_ar/'
Tags: fitness , Health , Surf , hawaii , rock music , lifechange , hungryhungryhawaiian , abovereproachhawaii
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