'Here\'s a workout I toss into my rotation every 4 - 5 weeks. It\'s A LOT of volume so if you\'re not used to training like this, warning... it WILL tear you apart. But sometimes in order to progress you need to push PASSED your limits and that can mean with both WEIGHT & VOLUME. Intense training like this all the time is most likely too much for the majority of you. But there\'s nothing wrong with hitting the gym every so often with the mentality of.. \"I\'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL I CAN\'T DO ANOTHER REP!\" Enjoy guys! 1️⃣Single-Arm DB Row:[4x8 per side] 2️⃣Bodyweight Pull-Up:[3x8-10] 3️⃣Barbell Bent-Over Row:[3x6] 4️⃣T-Bar Row:[3x6] 5️⃣Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown:[3x10-12] ⏱Rest 1 - 2 minutes between sets!
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