'Olympia Expo 2016 - Gymshark Meet Up, Christian Guzman, Bradley Martyn, & Great Food!'

09:42 Dec 11, 2022
'Meeting My IDOLS! LIKE this video, COMMENT below, and SUBSCRIBE! Please check out these amazing people & see if you wanna subscribe: Nick: http://bit.ly/1QOIQiN Nedim: http://bit.ly/2cP6QmD Brian: http://bit.ly/1U7Jmez Taz: http://bit.ly/1pgfu4b Danny: http://www.Youtube.com/c/danny_getsfit Keith: http://www.Youtube.com/woofit4life David: http://bit.ly/2cDDeLI Kendall: http://www.Youtube.com/drivingmecrazyy123 Riley: http://www.Youtube.com/c/rileydeveau Yami: http://bit.ly/2cEyxV8 Christian: https://www.youtube.com/user/Christianguzmanfitne Bradley: https://www.youtube.com/user/bradleymartynonline ►Check out these links:  Online Coaching: http://www.ZachMcAdam.com Email me any fitness questions: ZachMcAdamFitness@gmail.com ►Snapchat: ZachMcAdam13 (ADD ME) Follow me on Instagram! ↓ ↓ ↓ @ZachMcAdam  http://www.Instagram.com/zachmcadam ►Twitter: @ZachFitness - http://www.Twitter.com/zachfitness ►Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/zachmcadamfitness ►Business Email: zmcadam@yahoo.com  This video is footage from the 2016 mr. olympia expo in las vegas. This is a vlog containing footage of me eating a vegan meal for the first time thanks to Brian Turner from Beyond The Weak (HumerusFitness). I also show my workout with Halen Hulsebus, Nedim Vrabac, Ryan Casey, and more. With appearances from Calum Von Moger, Bradley Martyn, Chelsea Lifts, Jon Skywalker, John Glaude (ObesetoBeast), Rob Lipsett, and more. Also meeting Christian Guzman, and others at the Gymshark meet up.  The \"5 Week Physique\" series is the most intense cutting series on YouTube fitness that is not a contest or competition prep for anything like bodybuilding, mens physique, or bikini. Just simply a crazy diet, cardio routine, workout program that allows me to get as shredded as I can in the next 5 weeks. My goal is to be as raw and transparent with you so you know what I go through while doing this. The series will include weekly physique updates, workout instructional routines, macros and calories and day of eatings using bro or iifym (flexible dieting) and cardio conversations/talks/rants. I will show my approach from being a bodybuilder to starting powerlifting, and document the whole thing to show progress. I hope you enjoy, this is my best series and possibly on YouTube fitness as well. Bench, squat, deadlift, and overhead press are about to be my favorite exercises. I\'m doing this as a fitness or bodybuilding documentary style for those youtube gains.  Disclaimer: This style of cutting is not necessary and you do not need to go anywhere near this extreme to achieve your results. It is all relative to your experience and I do not recommend trying to use this to help yourself with your goals but to go about them with a more balanced approach whether that is for fat loss and losing weight like this one, or even for building or gaining lean muscle mass. Be safe and smart.  Zach McAdam is a formerly 19, but currently 20 year old fitness YouTuber and natural teen power bodybuilder that has competed in mens physique but also preps for random things and events. He will be lean bulk (bulking) after this diet or cutting season. Low body fat, high muscle mass, maintenance and more is the goal for 2017 after the Olympia. Stay along for the journey!' 
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