'#lockdowneffect #fitnessindustry #helpus As a GYM owner of ABSOLUTE FITNESS ( Bhayander ), I have posted so many questions in this video, about 1) What is the GYM\'s future ? 2) What is the Government doing for GYM\'s / Fitness Industry ? 3) Why there have been no talks by anyone, for helping us ? 4) Why Indian Government is not taking examples for other Countries ? 5) Why there is no Relief Schemes for us ? 6) What will happen to the GYM Trainers and other Staff members ? 7) When will the GYM open ? So many questions with no answers.. Please everyone, make sure you share this video as much as possible so that we get some answers to the above questions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________'
Tags: howto , TRAINERS , help , staff , government , goldsgym , 24hourfitness , scared , neglect , wanderfit , whatare , whereto , whichis , GymOwners , gold'sgym , hugeloss , closedown , gymclosingdown , gymclose , lockdowneffect , gold'sgymbankruptcy , gymshuttingdown , government neglecting , whenare , needhelp , bankruptchy
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